“YSH Metaphysics Philosophy:
Ancient Wisdom, Modern Application: YSH Metaphysics is founded on the principle of integrating ancient Yi Jing wisdom with contemporary healing and coaching techniques. This combination creates a unique and effective range of services.”
Our Services
Yi Jing Services 易经服务
Bazi Analysis 八字分析
Yi Jing Feng Shui 易经风水
Casting Divination for Enlightenment
易经起卦解惑Mobile Number Analysis
Date/Name Selection Services
Other Feng Shui Services
Reiki Energy and Sound Healing 灵气能量与音疗
Reiki Energy Distance Healing
Reiki Energy and Sound Healing
Reiki Space Clearing with Sound Cleansing Service
OH Card Services
Bazi OH Card
Name OH Card
Mobile Number OH Card
YSH Combo Wellness
YSH Combo 1 - 快速:
YSH Combo 2 - 快速:
YSH Combo 3 - 快速:
Connect with me on YSH Metaphysics Instagram
Customer Reviews
我是第一次接触七脉轮加磁场测试+颂波疗愈法。 经过测试尽然能【看到】自己阻塞的脉轮。这真是一个奇妙的经验、太震撼了。涵韵用颂波协助我打开阻塞的脉轮、我也是第一次感觉到心轮和海底轮的震动。 疗愈结束后内心觉得很轻松 很舒畅。 再一次测试所有脉轮 竟然全部都打通了。 非常感恩与涵韵的这次的疗愈过程。真的强烈推荐大家一定要试试。
Mdm Y (Reiki Energy and Sound Healing)
我一直都对‘人生指导’这项服务很感兴趣 也很好奇 到底这个学术能怎么协助我 提升自己 更有效的达到我的目标。透过筠霓的细心指导 有效的解惑我的疑虑 并且给与有建设性的意见和资源 整个谈话过程很轻松。
筠霓也很善于提问 很贴切很相应的问题。在这短短的谈话中 我深深的觉得自己获益良多。我很庆幸能报名了这项服务 也会大理推荐给身边的朋友们。
如果你曾经’怀疑人生‘,觉得你的事业’卡住了‘,觉得有些迷茫 不知道该如何是好 那就推荐你 报名这项服务 你一定会获益良多 感恩。
Ms. S. (OH Card)
Stella is surprising spot on. Signed up with an open heart and she is able to let me understand more about myself. Phone is something that we always carry by our side, so the number we used will be able to influence our life in one way or another. Will highly recommend Stella to anyone who wish to seek their inner self!"
- Mr Ng (Mobile number analysis)
– Ms. S (Reiki Energy Distance Healing)
Awesome! Thanks for the clear explanation. Felt comfortable the whole time in talking and chatting. Also wanted to shout out for having to translate all mandarin terms to me, my lack of basic words is agonising to most.
Ms. S. (OH Card)
Singing bowl service feedback: Harmoni’s singing bowl session ended with me feeling calm, peaceful, comfortable and aligned. I felt everything was good and happy. Her session worked like magic! She explained which of my body parts that I need to take extra care. Will definitely recommend her services to everyone! 👍🏻👏🏻
-Ms Y (Reiki Energy and Sound Healing)
I am thankful for this session which I had a chance to speak with Harmoni. She is someone who was able to direct your questions to clarity for divination for enlightenment. I had queries on a family member's new found gf which give an uneasy feeling. This led closed ones questioning, worried and anxious when they are together and the style was different from the previous exs. I decided to give this a try.
After careful listening and seeking clarifications from Harmoni, she gave me a sense of any questions is never too much. She also gave me a calming feeling and even share on a technique with Reiki. This helps me to relax and feel better. Recommend for anyone who wish to seek clarity, not min xing type, as from what I understand there are certain facts that are shown, before revealing the outcome to us. Thank you, Harmoni!!
-Ms. T (Divination for Enlightenment with Reiki)
For some reasons, I was overwhelmed with negative emotions for the past few months, hence I decided to engage Jackie Harmoni for Reiki Space clearing with Fengshui adjustment service to enhance our house’s fengshui in Sept 2023. Jackie Harmoni was very detailed, approachable and clear in providing advices to improve our overall house fengshui. I felt extremely comfortable and I can literally sense the good aura within the house after the whole session. Highly recommended!
-Ms. C (Reiki Space Clearing)
The Reiki Energy and Sound Healing session was amazing and one of a kind. Han yun was very detail oriented, from the zoom meeting set up, to her room environment set up, to creating that calm and relaxing ambience, I can feel her effort in making the virtual healing session the best it can be for her client. It was my first time attending a zoom healing session. I was impressed by how Han yun clearly explains her steps and how she will be using her tools (impressive collection of tools).
Her communication ability was superb, I know exactly what she was saying and the steps that I will be going through before everything happen. I felt like I was in safe hands. And that was very important, as I can truly relax throughout the session. I like that I was doing the session online though zoom, at my own house, my own bed, in my safe and comfortable environment. I used my eye shade and put on my earphone. 30 mins passed just too fast and I hope that the session was at least an hour. I will definitely come back for more and I HIGHLY recommend her session to everyone. Try it at least once!
-Ms YY (Reiki Energy and Sound Healing)
-Ms CY (Reiki Space Clearing and Sound Cleansing)
I’m so grateful to have met and consulted Jackie at the lowest point in my career life. She recommended me to do the divination for enlightenment with reiki, as she saw I was very depressed after looking jobs for 2 years plus. During the session, Jackie was very patience and detailed in her explanation which has enlightened me and boosted my confidence. After which I followed her instructions and landed a job within the months she predicted! Highly recommend this service to people that needs a direction guidance.
-Ms G (Divination for Enlightenment with Reiki)
涵韵让我的七个脉轮得到了完全百分百的清理。她告诉我,我的心轮和海底轮能量低,堵得比较厉害,所以都多时间来清理。她真是非常勤快的疗愈师!😄 清理过后的效果让我非常惊讶!这种感觉有点难以形容。就是我能把注意力集中在当下,不是过去,不是未来,而是当下。我能感受当下的快乐。这种快乐不是一直都有的快乐。是一种……“原来快乐这么简单”的快乐。之前,要专注做一件事情,是有难度的。比如我吃饭的时候,喜欢一边吃,一边看戏。但是脉轮经过清理疗愈后,我会希望能专心一致地做每一件事,而且这么做能给我带来无比的快乐。只是专心地吃饭,这么简单的一件事,就可以让我开心一整天。总之,我鼓励大家一定一定要尝试一下七脉轮清理疗愈,因为这能给人带来安心、开心、自在、锚定当下、用清晰的头脑去工作。真的很神奇!
-Ms HL (七脉轮能量调频)
灵气疗愈: 这是我第一次尝试灵气疗愈。没有想象中的玄和奇怪。我轻轻松松地躺下,然后随着音乐放松自己。我只管放松自己,让涵韵施展她的技术。疗愈结束后,我感觉特别舒服,一身轻。我大力推荐涵韵的服务!👍🏻
- Ms. H (Reiki Energy and Sound Healing)